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our Wisconsin inspired scents

Old Fashioned new.jpg

Inspired by the classic cocktail, this sparkling,

enticing scent opens with zesty citrus notes, tempered

by peppery warmth and a subtle brandied cherry note. 


A velvety aroma of cognac and amber complete this

bewitching libation for the senses!

Christmas Tree.jpg

Available Now!

(in Lg & Sm Amber Jars & Melts only)




This scent smells just like a fresh cut Christmas tree.


That's it. That's the description :-)


Did you know that the Sugar Maple tree

is the official state tree of Wisconsin?


Enjoy the sweet warm smell of

fresh maple syrup straight from the sugarbush

(which is a woods where sugar maples predominate). 


But you already knew that.

Blazin Saddle.jpg

A truly sizzling leather fragrance, this scent will make you

feel like you just moseyed into a western wear shop,

or saddled up your favorite horse for a trail ride.


Rich and smooth, sexy and sensual.


And do we detect just a hint of gunpowder??

Bucky Baker.jpg

It's like a fresh baked sugar cookie from 

the kitchen of Wisconsin's own The Bucky Baker


This fragrance contains notes of buttermilk, 

caramel, and sweet creamy vanilla.


Need cookies for a special occasion? 

Check them out at!


Morning Mimosa.jpg

So ok, yeah, Wisconsin isn’t known for oranges,

but we couldn't resist offering this sparkling citrus scent.


Plus, we justified it by relating it to day drinking,

which Wisconsinites are um, sometimes kinda known for…


Like great grandma used to say,

“you can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning”

 - or something like that.

Morning Wood.jpg

Strong coffee brews while you embrace

the naked majesty of a cool Wisconsin morning.


Crisp air blows across the hardy balsam timber

anmingles with dewy oak moss. 


A fabulous & unique scent that goes hard!

Cranberry Bog.jpg

Possibly the best cranberry scent.



A burst of sparkling cranberries mingles with juicy cherries and

fresh peaches with a hint of rose petals, and rich vanilla bean.


This is a complex, tart, tangy, smooth, and amazing scent

featuring the official state fruit of Wisconsin! 

Sweet, crisp apples blended with a nice aged whiskey. 

Dashes of cinnamon & spices.


This warm & cozy scent is one of the most luscious and

calming cider fragrances you will come across.


Nothing short of delicious!

Up Nort.jpg

A log cabin retreat for the outdoorsman in everyone! 


A warm and relaxing blend of rustic earthy woods and spices

coupled with a fresh, subtle burst of pine.


Say ahhhh to the northwoods...

Danish Kringle.jpg

Did you know that the kringle is the official state pastry of Wisconsin?

​Yep, sure is…


With this scent we pay homage to the almond kringle,

a traditional family favorite around these parts…


 Caution: This scent may give cozy hygge vibes!

The Danish term hygge (HOO-gah) is about coziness and surrounding yourself

with the things that make life good, like friendship, laughter and security,

as well as things like warmth, light, seasonal food and drink.

Weekend Trim.jpg

Crack a beer and grab a lawn chair.


Time to sit back and enjoy the smell of your fresh cut lawn!

Smores Campfire new.jpg

Superbly delicious!


Roasted marshmallows over a crackling campfire. 


Notes of firewood, burnt sugar, 

wind-blown leaves, and sticky-sweet cocoa. 


A warm and appealing scent!

Frozen Tundra.jpg

Woodsy nuttiness drifts across a background

of frosty, cool moistened ozone.


Enhanced with notes of citron, subtle green florals,

peppermint, vanilla, and blue spruce.


This crisp aroma is a celebration

of the great Wisconsin outdoors!

Hardened Cider.jpg

Sweet, crisp apples blended

with a nice aged whiskey.


Dashes of cinnamon & spices.


This warm & cozy scent is one of the most luscious

and calming cider fragrances you will come across.


Nothing short of delicious!

You know that paper funnel full

of warm, sugary glazed nuts

you get at the Wisconsin fairs?

Yeah, it smells like that...


Comfy, nutty, salty and sweet.

Grab a whiff.

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